Safe Moving
Safe Moving Experts in Phoenix, AZ
In many cases, safes weigh more than pianos and require similarly specialized care in moving. If you’re considering moving and have a large safe to bring with you, there is a lot to learn to complete the move safely. Anderson Lock and Safe will help you protect personnel, property, and the safe itself with our experienced safe movers. Even smaller safes require care to transport and expertise to install them properly at the destination, including bolt-downs or wall installation.

Since 2012, we have moved over 3,000 safes. That’s about 1 a day! We move gun safes, home safes, wall safes, and floor safes.
At Anderson Lock and Safe, we provide safe relocation services for brands like American Security Safes, Winchester Safes, Liberty Safes, and Hollon Safes, and we’re familiar with the special methods and precautions required to successfully move your safe. From office to office, home to your new home, or other origins and destinations, we’ll move and even bolt down your safe with experience and professionalism. We provide a 100% guarantee on our products and services and a focus on customer service, honesty, respect, and dependability in all our locksmith services, including safe moving & installation.
Preparing for Safe Moving
When possible, removing items from the safe before relocation to reduce the weight that must be transported is helpful. This also helps avoid damage to contents from shifting during transportation. As a precaution, it’s important, but also can create security concerns that you need to consider while the contents and safe are separated. Our team will also perform surveys to ensure that the transport and loading route to and from our vehicle is clear and can support the weight.
Checking Out Your Destination Ahead of Time
Anderson Lock and Safe experts in safe moving & installation can help you select a destination within your new home or office. It should be one that reduces the risk of burglary and protects your safe from water and fire damage. Convenience is important, but the typical burglar tends to look for your safe in the most common and convenient locations, like the master bedroom. The garage is another common spot that’s at the low end of the security range. It may expose your safe to more changes in the weather and especially temperature than are wise. If yours is a bolt-down safe, we’ll make sure that the support to which it’s attached is solid, and not easily torn up and removed with the safe itself.
What Safe Relocation Requires for Success
The laws of physics are very important when we move safes, because when a safe weighs over 1,000 pounds, or even 500, “a body in motion tends to stay in motion” very much applies. If the safe tips and starts to fall, unlike typical furniture there’s no chance of blocking its fall and holding it up. Prevention and experience are essential so that any issue we can predict, we can avoid. Safes are tough, but our job is to keep them from even minor damage, along with buildings and people along the path to the destination.
Specialty Safes and Unique Locations
Is your safe designed to contain special items that you need nearby? Do you want to make sure that when you open it, you’re in a protected location? Each safe relocation we do involves specific concerns that the owner expresses, and we work to account for them so that when the safe is in place, it’s in the right place to stay. Compared to furniture moving once again, it’s important to realize that trying different locations, especially for bolt-down safes, is not practical with such a large item. For in-wall safes and other hidden safes, it’s the same thing. Our experts can help you with their experience, identifying what’s been successful for other clients that you might want to consider for your own safe move.
Consideration of Safe Mechanisms and Doors
An important consideration when we move safes is making sure that the mechanism and door are well protected. This is essential for the reliability of the safe, and a main feature of our comprehensive safe care en route. While we also care for the safe’s appearance with coverings and special care, they’re not enough to prevent shock and vibration impact to the safe’s moving parts. Careful planning and expert handling are what leads to a successful, safe relocation.
How Much Does it Cost to Move a Safe?
The cost to move a safe depends on many factors including size, weight, distance, and more. If you need a safe moved call us at 602-973-0343 to discuss your needs and to get a quote.
Your Professional Team For Safe Moving and Safe Installation in Phoenix
At Anderson Lock and Safe, we’re proud to specialize in safe services of all kinds, from sales and combination changes to moving your safe to your new location. We look forward to planning your safe move in detail and providing the benefit of our experience to ensure success and a long, useful life for your safe. Call us today for all your safe needs, including expert safe relocation!